Georg Geiger

Georg Geiger is the founder and CEO of Value-Holdings AG. He is also a member of the Management Board of Value-Holdings Capital Partners AG and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Value-Holdings International AG. He trained  as a banker and successfully completed his studies to become a graduate in business administration (FH). Mr. Geiger has been a financial analyst since 1988 and an asset manager since 1992. At Value-Holdings he is responsible for research and portfolio management.

Roland Könen

Roland Könen is a member of the Management Board of Value-Holdings International AG and a member of the Management Board of Value-Holdings Capital Partners AG. He trained as a banker and successfully completed his studies as a business lawyer (Diplom-Wirtschaftsjurist (FH)). Mr. Könen has been a financial analyst since 2002 and an asset manager since 2007. At Value-Holdings he is responsible for research and portfolio management.

Antonio Napolitano

Antonio Napolitano is the Chief Executive Officer of NABAG AG. There he is responsible for research, portfolio management and  investor relations. For Value-Holdings Group he is Investor Relator in Italy. He did a professional training in finance/accounting and graduated with a “Diploma di Ragioniere”. Mr. Napolitano has been an asset manager since 1993.

Markus Wenner

Markus Wenner is co-initiator of the Value-Holdings Deutschland Fund and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Value-Holdings Capital Partners AG. He has a degree in law and economics and successfully completed a Master of Law (LL.M.). Mr. Wenner has been managing private equity portfolios since 2000. He is admitted as a lawyer and works primarily in the field of capital markets law. At Value-Holdings he is responsible for legal matters, research and responsible for investor support.

Martina Stetter

Martina Stetter is responsible for accounting, financial statement preparation and human resources at Value-Holdings.  She successfully completed a degree in finance and is licensed as a tax consultant.  

Isabel Andrade

Isabel Andrade is assistant to the Management Board of Value-Holdings AG and its subsidiaries. She supports the Executive Board in day-to-day business and all administrative matters.